C8 Software Solutions - REAL RAD

C8 Software Solutions - REAL RAD

One of the design goals of building the C8 platform was to stay as generic as possible for as long as possible without running out of money. By design, the platform is applicable to any number of use-cases. With all of the authentication, audit, traceability, relationships and API foundation built as standard, this means that solutions built on the C8 platform can be completed VERY quickly.

Additionally, as you would expect, having completed the foundation of the platform in a manner which can be applied to virtually any scenario means that these core elements are common and well-tested.

Common questions we get asked are things of the nature ‘Yeh great but what does this equate to for me ?’ which is a posh way of saying WIIFM ? Well, the software solution for your team, department, business or startup can be completed in a couple of weeks elapsed time not months.

The most common lead-in question we hear is ‘We have this spreadsheet that is critical and is where our process stops abruptly - can you help ?'

The other common lead-in is a variation on the theme: ‘We have this Access database that…' but we’re sure you get the picture :-)

So we have our flagship web application plus our growing natively integrated desk tools that can be pointed at your problem both quickly and cost-effectively when compared to the big agencies starting with a blank page in VS.

Coming Soon: CASE STUDY - NDIS Provider Event and Respite Booking System

Coming Soon: CASE STUDY - Project RAID Register

Get in touch today for a demo of how we can reduce your team’s pain, reduce TCO, increase collaboration and keep audit happy happier.

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